Swimming Pool Rules & Regulations

  1. Members are not permitted to use the facility until they have completed an induction.
  2. Children below the age of 16 years may use the wet areas and changing rooms only if supervised by an adult member.
  3. Guests must be accompanied by a member at all times (1 guest permitted per member)
  4. Glass objects, drinking glasses and sharp objects are not permitted in the wet areas.
  5. Alcohol is not permitted in any area.
  6. Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the club.
  7. For the hygiene of all, users of the swimming pool or spa must shower before using the pools or spa.
  8. For the safety of all, users of the swimming pool or spa must dry off before leaving this area.
  9. Suitable footwear must be worn to and from the wet areas.
  10. As the club is a family-friendly facility, all users of the wet areas must ensure appropriate attire is worn at all times (i.e. nude swimming is not permitted)
  11. Running, ball-playing, rough play, noisy or hazardous activities are not permitted in the wet areas.
    There is strictly NO DIVING.
  12. All users of the wet areas do so at their own risk
  13. Items left at owners’ risk.
  14. Users must obey the directions of staff and signs.